General Compensation and Financial Assistance Program for Actual or Impending Losses - Winter Storm of December 23 and 24, 2022, in Quebec Municipalities

14 février 2023
General Compensation and Financial Assistance Program for Actual or Impending Losses - Winter Storm of December 23 and 24, 2022, in Quebec Municipalities
The City of Métis-sur-Mer and its citizens may benefit from financial assistance under the above-mentioned program, if they are eligible.
To take advantage of this program, disaster victims have until April 17, 2023 to submit a claim to the Ministère de la Sécurité publique.
Under the program, claimants are:
- Individuals, due to damage to their essential property or temporary lodging expenses;
- Businesses or agricultural businesses;
- Owners of rental buildings;
- Municipalities;
- Community organizations that provided aid and assistance.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the Ministry by phone at one of the following numbers
- Quebec City area: 418-643-2433
- Elsewhere, toll free: 1-888-643-2433